The Mysteries of the Knights Templar Unraveled

The Mysteries of the Knights Templar Unraveled


Welcome to our special series on the Knights Templar! In this first section, we will explore the fascinating history of this legendary Order – the Order of the Templars. The history of Knights Templar is closely linked to the Crusades and is shrouded in mystery and secrets.

Let's unravel the enigmas surrounding the Templars and discover how this Order emerged in the context of Crusades. As we dive into the history of the Templars, we will understand the influence they exerted and how they became one of the most mysterious organizations of the Middle Ages.


Our journey will take us to explore the formation of Knights Templar, its hierarchical structure and its main actions during the Crusades. Let's discover the secrets they kept, from sacred objects to hidden knowledge.

Get ready to travel back in time as we dive into the history of the Templars – this fascinating Order that has captured the imagination of people throughout the centuries.


Stay tuned for the next section, where we will explore the mysticism surrounding the Knights Templar and the relics they protected!

Templar Mysticism and the Knights' Relics

In this section, we will delve into the mysticism surrounding the Knights Templar. This legendary Order arouses curiosity and fascination to this day, due to its beliefs and rituals that involve the sacred and the mysterious.

The Templars believed in deep spiritual principles, combining Christianity with the occult. For them, the search for spirituality and knowledge of divine truths were fundamental to their purpose of protecting pilgrims heading to Jerusalem during the Crusades.

“The wisdom of the ancients guides our steps, a lamp lit in the darkness of ignorance.” – Words attributed to a member of the Knights Templar

A Order of the Templars believed that possession of sacred relics granted them divine power and protection. They are believed to have discovered and protected several relics during their expeditions to the Middle East. These relics, such as the Holy Grail, the Spear of Destiny and fragments of the True Cross (the cross used in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ), have aroused the interest and covetousness of many over the centuries.

To the Templar relics have become the center of many myths and legends, with stories telling of their hidden powers and the tireless quest to find them. The public's fascination with Templarism and its relics endure to this day, stimulating the imagination and inspiring countless works of fiction and historical research.

Templar Mysticism

The Holy Grail: The Most Wanted Relic

Among the Templar relics, the Holy Grail holds a special place in terms of fascination and quest. According to legend, the Holy Grail is the chalice used by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper. The Templars were said to have been the guardians of this sacred relic, trying to keep its power out of inappropriate hands.

Since then, countless stories and theories have emerged about the location of the Holy Grail, leading to endless searches and intriguing adventures around the world. Although its true nature and whereabouts remain a mystery, the Holy Grail continues to fuel people's imagination and curiosity because it also represents spiritual values and ideals.

The Spear of Destiny: The Power of the Sacred

Another relic associated with the Templars is the Spear of Destiny, also known as the Spear of Longinus. According to Christian tradition, this spear was used to pierce the side of Jesus Christ during the crucifixion. The Templars are believed to have been the protectors of this sacred artifact.

For centuries, the Spear of Destiny has been portrayed as an object of divine power, capable of bestowing victory and protection upon those who wield it. The history and legends associated with the Spear directly connect it to several historical figures and important events, fueling the mystery and mysticism surrounding the Templars.

In this section, we explore the Templar mysticism and its connection with sacred relics. We seek to understand the importance of these objects of spiritual power to the Order of the Knights Templar and how they triggered myths and legends that permeate our culture to this day.


In this last section, we have summarized everything that was discussed previously, highlighting the main mysteries and enigmas of the Knights Templar that were revealed throughout the text. By exploring the fascinating history of this legendary Order, we delve into the historical context of the Crusades, the influences that led to their emergence, and the secrets that permeate their legacy.

We also discussed the Templar mysticism, revealing the beliefs and rituals of the Order, especially its role in protecting sacred relics. Myths and legends surround Templar relics, such as the Holy Grail and the Spear of Destiny, which have fueled the popular imagination for centuries.

However, by unraveling these mysteries and enigmas, we come to understand that the Knights Templar were more than just guardians of relics. Their lasting influence is not limited to history and popular imagination. The Templar Order also had a significant impact on the political and economic structures of the time, as well as leaving an indelible legacy in the arts, architecture and the development of financial institutions.

Thus, we conclude that the Knights Templar are remarkable figures in history, surrounded by mysteries and enigmas that continue to arouse our interest to this day. Order of the Templars was much more than just a military-religious organization; it shaped and influenced the world we live in today.